lord 5


TRIPLE 7™ - Small Size, Big Advantages

Fin and tube technology must match the pace of modern innovation, which emphasizes economization, by avoiding waste and reducing expenditures.
Lordan watches your bottom line while maintaining its responsibility to the environment, and is always searching for optimal solutions requiring minimum raw materials. The compact Lord FiVe, measuring only 5 mm, is the key to its exceptional performance and efficiency, offering you a five-fold advantage.

Lord Five-Fold Advantages

The high capacity Lord FiVe is the first of its type to be introduced to the HVAC industry.
With its ultimate new size and unsurpassed performance, the advantages it passes onto you are fivefold.

Benefits of the

Coil Materials & Shape Options    

Lord 5 Applications

The unique advantage of the high performing Lord FiVe coil is its compactness allowing it to fit into small areas while providing high heating and cooling outputs. The coil is suitable with refrigerant applications and can be customized to operate with a range of specialized heavy dutyprecision cooling or industrial cooling (gas coils) applications.

Lord FiVe Outdoor Coils -
Lasting Performance Guarantee

Lordan's Lord FiVe coil technology provides superior DX evaporator coil performance: